Alex was one of the children attending the After School Club last year. The club is held at Bell House and is run by Suzanne Jessel and other volunteers on every Thursday to support dyslexic children.

Alex’s mum wrote to tell Suzanne about what Alex who is 10 years old and his brother Prince, who is 12, have been up to since early December last year.

They have started their own business - the “Juicing Bros’ - after their mum bought their dad a slow juicer for his birthday.

The boys had a major feature written about them on ‘londonnewsonline’ on January 24th which you can read here.

“Once the brothers got hold of the juicer it was clear to see they were naturals, and the boys were encouraged to sell juices to their neighbours in Ulverscroft Road.

Alex, 10, said: “Our mum bought our dad a juicer for his birthday. We started making juices for the family for fun and realised we were pretty good at it.

“We started with our mum asking on our street’s WhatsApp group whether people would buy our juice, and we had a great response.”

In just six weeks the boys have had 78 orders, amounting to more than £600 in sales. They also have 28 five-star reviews on Google.

Prince, 12, added: “We have advertised on the East Dulwich forum and generated more business. A whopping 77 orders in just six weeks.

“We can definitely see this being a future career for us as we have many ideas which will help develop and expand the business.”

Alex said the orange, carrot and ginger juice, known as the ‘Phoenix,’ is his favourite flavour as it “has a real kick to it”.

Prince said: “Beetroot, orange and carrot AKA ‘Bee Reddy’ is my personal favourite as it has a perfect mix of sweet and veggie flavour.”

The boys’ mum, Simone Harvey, said: “I am so proud of my young entrepreneurs, they started out reading books like Be a Young Entrepreneur and Think Like a Boss: Kids Edition so they were in a really good mindset.

“Starting this business has not only taught them a great work ethic, but also helped build their confidence.

“Alex has dyslexia, and I’ve always told him it’s his super power and it can help him achieve anything he wants in this world.”

You can follow Prince and Alex on Instagram @juicing_bros

Pictured above Alex Cook left, a satisfied customer and Prince Cook (Picture: Juicing Bros)