10 year olds have fun at a Bell House School Enrichment Day

60, yes 60, 10 year olds had a wonderful day of making and doing at a Bell House School Enrichment day on Wednesday 12th July.

Pupils from Crawford School came to experience and learn about everything that Bell House has to offer from the volunteers who help make all this possible.

It was a glorious sunny day and the children enjoyed a full day of enthralling activities from printing with Simon, Beekeeping with Annie, Quilting with volunteers from the Quilt Academy, Sharon telling the secrets of the house - and if that wasn’t enough they enjoyed cakes baked by Frances. With a lot of help from Janis, Cher and Laurel the day was declared a huge success. And thanks to Ian the whole day was recorded on camera.

And they travelled on the P4 bus!

The students even had the right size beekeeping suits to wear!